Island Crush Australia is our brand-new label, inspired by our tween-aged daughter and her style needs. We idea started when we struggled to find age-appropriate swimwear for her that was cool but not cutesy, comfy yet practical.

Our launch collection came together quickly, tackling a few major gaps in the tween market. But as designs took shape and we got closer to production, the one thing we couldn’t settle on was the name for our label.

Tween girls are in that awesome, dynamic stage of figuring out who they are. Shopping with my daughter made me realize that while I can guide her, she has her own style, strong opinions, and a radar for anything too cliché or condescending.

We wanted a name that connected to water or the ocean, was edgy without being cryptic, easy to remember, and—importantly—not already taken by another brand. Fun fact: my daughter’s name checks all the boxes, except that last one!

Our list of names kept growing and shrinking as we tried to find that perfect fit. Words started losing all meaning, and the kids chimed in with their own ideas of what’s “cool” and “definitely not cool.”

Finally, we decided to test our shortlist with my daughter’s BFFs. We figured if we got their approval, we’d be on the right track.

And that’s how we landed on “Island Crush” (get it?). We think we’ve nailed it, but let’s see where it goes! x